Vision Statement
We are all children of God, each with our own unique gifts and potential. We provide an environment rooted in respect and Christian values, where every individual can flourish.
Our Acts of Collective Worship
We worship together every day, either as a whole school or in our class groups. On a Friday, we celebrate the achievements of the children and within this collective worship we sing our school song Shine which links to our vision of ‘Let your light shine’ from the biblical book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 16.
Each half term we explore a Christian value. We learn about this value through stories and reflections where we think about how we can demonstrate the value in our everyday lives.
We have a ‘Shining Group’ that consists of children from Key Stage 2. These children plan and lead some of our Collective worship and they help within the special services we hold during the year – Harvest, Christmas and Easter.
A minister from our local church comes into school once a week to lead Collective Worship.
We celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter with a service held in the church for the whole school community.
Core Values
By the time a child leaves The Kingfisher Federation they will have had the opportunity to:
- Become a valued member of a community where they are loved and cared for
- Experience a rich, varied and exciting curriculum
- Be the best that they can be
- Make the most of their God given talents
- Celebrate success and know what it feels like to be celebrated
- Develop a curiosity for God’s creation