PSHE mission statement
In the Kingfisher partnership, we strive for all children to develop good relationships with all members of our school community and beyond. All of us will have mutual respect and understand that we are all unique with different gifts. Children will be able to problem solve when things go wrong with relationships. They will know how to keep themselves safe, both physically and mentally.
Our PSHE curriculum focuses on a range of areas, such as, learning behaviours, emotions, bullying, healthy relationships, rules and responsibilities, our community, growth mindset, healthy lifestyles and relationships and sex education. We use the Dimensions 3D PSHE Scheme to teach a rolling programme as we have mixed age classes. When we deliver relationships and sex education the children will be taught in their individual year groups. We use Educator Solutions scheme for this which has been developed to meet the statutory guidance.
In EYFS, children are given opportunities to practise the skills taught in their PSHE lessons through the provision the provide.
As part of our behaviour policy we have a restorative approach. Children are encouraged to talk about what has happened, think about the feelings of others, about how they might do things differently next time and what they can do now to put things right again.
Additional Activities
Anti-bullying week
Safer-Internet Day
Collective Worship – our Christian values are explored and this can also relate to our relationships with others.