

The Kingfisher Federation aims to equip every child with a high-quality education in English, that will teach pupils to communicate their ideas and emotions to a range of audiences and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them. As a federation, we strive to promote the highest standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the written word and grammar and develop their love of reading.


In the Kingfisher federation, we want our pupils to be literate and confident speakers, readers and writers. We want to ensure that all children are avid readers who read for enjoyment. We encourage and support all children to read a variety of genres and authors, and learn to use adventurous vocabulary in their speech and written work. Teachers use targeted questioning and the VIPERS (Literacy Shed - Literacy Shed Plus - Literacy Shed Plus - Teaching Resources Made Easy) structure to make sure that a range of reading skills are taught and explored. Through weekly guided reading sessions in key stage 2 the following reading skills are developed the highest standard; vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarise.

We believe that reading is the key that unlocks the whole curriculum. To this end, we make sure that all children are given quality phonics teaching daily from Reception onwards using the Read Write Inc scheme (RWI)Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics | Oxford Owl . We believe that RWI Phonics is an inclusive literacy programme for all children learning to read. By delivering energetic, enthusiastic and full passion lessons children enjoy learning and will achieve well and become confident and fluent readers. We expect that children by the end of Year 2 would complete the RWI programme

We have a large range of decodable texts for children to practise with and consolidate their reading at home. Children read at home with parents with a range of books. As a federation we use Kingfisher Wings, a weekly reading at home scheme, which encourages parents to actively listen to their child.

As well as daily focused reading time, teachers read to their classes daily in order to model reading aloud and develop the reading for pleasure culture across the school.

Read Write Inc What To Teach When Mar 22


We aim for Kingfisher pupils to be enthusiastic, independent and lively writers, able to write accurately and imaginatively with a firm understanding of audience and genre convention.

This starts in reception with the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme. This weaves word reading with comprehension, and writing with grammar, vocabulary, spelling and handwriting. The Get Writing! Books our children access contain a wide range of writing activities which are closely linked to the Storybooks and Non-fiction Books. The writing book includes:

  • Composition activities based on oral rehearsal and role play
  •  Step-by-step progression – from writing simple sentences to extended texts
  •  Grammar and spelling activities with meaningful contexts, matched to the 2014 National Curriculum Check’ boxes which prompt children to review their writing throughout.

On completion of the Read Write Inc Phonics programme, across the federation we use Talk For Writing What is Talk for Writing? – Talk for Writing (talk4writing.com) .

Kingfisher pupils are also given many opportunities to write for a variety of purposes across the curriculum, producing high quality writing in subjects such as science and history.

Kingfisher Writing Curriculum Year B 2122

Kingfisher Federation English Curriculum Year 2

Kingfisher Federation English Curriculum Year 56 Year B

Kingfisher Federation English Curriculum Year 45 Year B

Kingfisher Federation English Curriculum Year 3 And 4 Year B


Kingfisher pupils can write fluently, neatly, legibly and with speed, in line with government expectations for handwriting.


Opportunities to enhance children’s grammar and punctuation will arise naturally from their reading and writing. We encourage Kingfisher pupils to embrace these opportunities. The skills of grammar and punctuation will be developed through their talk for writing units with an emphasis on the creation of toolkits. Discrete grammar and punctuation lessons will also ensure children have good grammatical awareness and skills for their age.

Spelling is taught through the Spelling Shed scheme once the children have finished the RWI scheme.

Spelling Shed Curriculum Map X

Extra activities

  • Class assemblies embrace the chance for children to speak to a range of audiences.
  • Worship and celebrations (e.g. harvest festival) allow the children to again become confident speakers and listeners.
  • The School library is used by the whole school and is well resources with fiction and non-fiction
  • Links are made with local libraries for local and National initiatives to promote reading
  • Initiatives such as World Book Day are celebrated yearly with a variety of activities
  • Kingfisher Wings is a whole-school approach to encourage children to read at home. Classes win certificates for the best class for reading at home weekly.
  • Trips and visits are used to enhance the curriculum and provide stimulus’ for writing

 Promoting Reading For Pleasure At Home 2

Ditchingham CofE Primary Academy

For all enquiries or if you would like to visit the school, please contact Ms Laura Stone who will be happy to answer any questions or make an appointment for you.

Telephone: 01986 893277 • ditchinghamoffice@kingfisherpartnership.org