Art And Design


Art Mission Statement

In the Kingfisher Partnership, we believe Art & Design is an essential part of the primary curriculum. We aim to inspire and engage all of our pupils, art allows the child to develop their imagination and creativity, to make connections through their inventive minds and gives children the skills to record their imagination and ideas.



In the Kingfisher Academy, the youngest children in Reception are given access to mark making resources where they can explore colour and line and learn how they can be changed. They are encouraged to express feelings through their art and mark making and capture experiences and responses with a wide range of media. Children also begin to create simple representations of events, people and objects, choosing particular colours and textures for their purpose.

In KS1 the children begin to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space, study the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work. They begin to investigate possibilities or a range of different mark makers, and how to make tools for various styles of mark making. They will be looking closely at natural objects and learning how to 'Finger Draw'. Children will be using their imagination combined with two popular children’s books, to draw characters and work collaboratively on a group piece. When painting, they will respond to the work of Wassily Kandinsky through the use of lines and shapes. They will be investigating the use of visual elements, and making responses using shape and pattern. Children will learn how to mix paint to make colours, and look at how Anthony Frost created his colours. KS1 children will also begin looking at how to form simple sculptures out of clay, focusing on how to imprint and make marks using a range of tools and materials.

In Lower Key Stage 2, the children develop sketching with a range of pencils, portrait drawing skills, collaging and pastel work. Using previous knowledge of techniques, the children continue to develop their drawing skills through drawing patterns from the stone age, inventing marks by studying artists work, looking at Vincent Van Gogh’s style and developing their own patterns. They will also look at painting on different surfaces, experimenting with the application of colours and how to make practical responses to Georgia O’Keefe’s work. Children then will develop an understanding of J.M.W Turner's work, and compare with other artists, focusing on an individual response to his work. Their final study of Collage will include investigating and responding to the work of Paul Klee, and his use of contemporary colours. They will use this to compare to Victor Vasarely's regular, irregular, straight technique and also Henri Matisse’s positive and negative 'Jazz' style. In preparation to create their own collage. Lower Key stage 2 will also begin looking at forming 3D designs using clay, using famous artists' sculptures as inspiration.

Building on their art learning in year 5 and year 6, children begin to make detailed analytical observational drawings, focusing on scaling up their work and encouraging them to use a wide range of media most suitable. They will be continually discussing and reviewing their work, modifying as they go along. When focusing on painting skills, the children will be looking at the work of Turner Prize winning artist Chris Ofili, and how his paint is flowing with dotted lines. They will be encouraged to explore their ideas in their sketchbooks. They will compare this with examples of Fauvist paintings, and question and make thoughtful observations about how to select ideas as a starting point for their own work. Finally, they will respond to the work of Gustav Klimt, collecting visual information to help develop ideas using a sketchbook. They will combine visual and tactile qualities of materials and match these to the purpose of their work. They will also respond to the work of Pablo Picasso, focusing on cubist figurative images, comparing their own ideas to create a unique response.Upper Key stage 2 will complete their primary journey in sculpture by studying the work of Henry Moore. They will look at his method and style and use this to recreate their own clay pendants.

Please see below for our current curriculum map:

Kingfisher Art And Design Curriculum 2021 2022 V4

Ditchingham CofE Primary Academy

For all enquiries or if you would like to visit the school, please contact Ms Laura Stone who will be happy to answer any questions or make an appointment for you.

Telephone: 01986 893277 •